Come Alive 215 Outdoor Bootcamp
When: Wednesday's at 6pm/ Payment: Venmo (More details below)
Service Description
Please Venmo: kim-harari or shannabrenna $20 upon booking! Memo: (date) Come Alive 215 45 Min Workout Includes: Strength and Conditioning Speed and Agility Power and Explosiveness Shadow-boxing Everyone will be socially distanced at 6+ feet apart. Wipes will be provided to maintain cleanliness of equipment used. Hand sanitizer will be available as well! We will provide equipment! We just ask that you bring your mask and a yoga mat or towel! :) IMPORTANT: If you are feeling unewell, showing symptoms of covid-19, or have been in contact with an individual who tested positive for covid-19 please do not attend the bootcamp- you will be issued a refund upon request.

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